cannot see the wood for the trees 見樹不見林;因小失大。
Care killed a cat. 憂慮致命(勞神喪命)。
Cast pearls before swine. 對牛彈琴。
cast [throw] (one's) pearls before swine 對牛彈琴。
Catch your bear before you sell its skin. 【諺】捉到了熊再賣皮(不要高興得太早)。
Chances are it will rain. 很可能會下雨。
Charity begins at home. 仁愛從家中開始。齊家才能治國。
Circumstances alter cases.【諺】臨機應(yīng)變。
Coming events cast their shadows before. 【諺】 事發(fā)之前必有癥兆,「一葉落而知秋」。
Comparisons are odious. 人比人氣死人。
Complete power corrupts completely. 絕對的權(quán)力使人絕對地腐化。
Constant dripping wears away the stone. 滴水穿石。
Courtesy costs nothing. 禮多人不怪。
Cowards die many times before their death.【諺】膽小鬼在?氣之前要死許多次(膽小鬼要經(jīng)歷多次對死亡的恐懼)。
Crime doesn't pay. 【諺】犯罪不會得到好處。
Cross the stream where it is shallowest. 【諺】過河應(yīng)走水淺處(做事應(yīng)選最簡單的方法)。
Cry over spilt milk. 做無益之悔恨。
Cunning is no burden. 藝多不壓人。
Custom is a second nature. 【諺】習(xí)慣乃第二天性(習(xí)慣成自然) 。
Custom makes all things easy. 【諺】一朝成習(xí)慣,萬事不難辦。
Custom reconciles us to everything. 【諺】習(xí)慣之後,對一切便能泰然